Because They’re Worth it!

We are a pioneering organization that empowers citizens in the prevention of exploitation and child sex abuse (CSA) through education, advocacy, and resources.

How We Protect Children

We Educate, Advocate, & Empower

Our mission to empower adults to prevent and stop child exploitation is accomplished through our three core service programs that educate, advocate, and empower citizens and professionals to be the frontline of defense for children.


Our Unmasking Education Program empowers citizens of all experience levels to learn professional skills to unmask exploitative behavior and create effective safeguards that protect children.


Our Victim-Centered Advocacy Program educates and empowers individuals amid complex situations to maintain a victim-centered approach through situational advocacy consulting and resources.


Our Frontline Empowerment Resource Program supplies print and online resources of the best evidence-based practices provided by national experts for immediate and tangible solutions.

Empower The Fight’s Story

Empower The Fight was launched by a group of professional Kansas City moms who had witnessed severe child exploitation and sex abuse in various areas of their professions and lives. So, they were concerned about the significant gaps in services to at-risk and endangered children and were shocked by the general public’s lack of knowledge of the scale of the problem.

They spent four years researching and collaborating with national experts and frontline professionals to bring solutions, not just awareness. As a result, Empower The Fight launched programs to address the most urgent GAP assessed by this process, PREVENTION!

Empower The Fight’s approach to mobilize a citizen response to bring prevention is unconventional, but needed. The need is now too big and too urgent to become another child welfare organization that settles within the constraints of our nation’s broken systems.

Why do Christians believe that adding Scripture to talking points provided by godless government and corporate agendas is a voice for the voiceless? The Body of Christ is at a crossroads of decision, will we be Christ-directed and victim-centered in our influence, or remain an echo for those who politicize and profit from this human destruction? Regardless, at Empower The Fight, we focus on restoring the voice of victims and advocating for those who can’t. Because we refuse to be an echo for these exploitive & corrupt agendas.


Empower Adults to Prevent & Stop Child Exploitation of All Forms!


To do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more.

Psalms 10.18

Empower Other’s Voices

Through a victim-centered emphasis, we empower survivors to be empowered to reclaim their voices and speak for themselves and others.

Speak for the Voiceless

We bring from darkness to light exploitation of all forms. We show the societal and human impacts of ignoring abuses and then educate citizens to be the solution & safeguard.

Execute Strategy

Through collaboration and research, we take unique approaches to social problems by focusing on the root causes, assessing service gaps, and empowering solutions.


Stop Child Exploitation & Sex Abuse