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What is Child Neglect & Abuse?

Neglect is normally defined as the failure of a parent or other person responsible for the child to provide basic needs. Also, the simple definition of neglect is simply to fail to care for someone properly. It can be intentional or passive. Passive can stem from a lack of experience, information, or ability. Therefore, neglect is a form of child exploitation and is the most common type of child maltreatment, yet victims are not easily identified because it is a type of abuse that is an act of omission – of not doing something.


  • Failure to provide adequate food
  • Failure to provide appropriate clothing for the weather
  • Leaving a child who can’t care for themselves home alone or leaving with inadequate caregivers
  • Failure to provide a home that is hygienic and safe
  • Denying or delaying necessary or recommended medical treatment
  • Failure to give a child age-appropriate education
  • Also, this includes allowing excessive absences from school.


  • Failure to provide emotional support, love, and affection.
  • This includes neglecting the child’s emotional needs. Also, failing to provide psychological care as needed.
  • Exposing a child to domestic violence or substance use. In addition, to not providing affection or emotional support.

This Risks of Neglect

Neglect should NOT be minimized as less harmful as most of the child fatalities each year are as a direct result. As a result, neglect is a serious cause of concern for children, especially young ones. Consequently, most is a direct result of adult substance abuse. In addition, a single act of neglect might not be considered child abuse, but repeated occurrences is definitely child abuse.

This information is from our child safety and prevention training Watchful Eye.

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