We educate and empower individuals amid complex situations to maintain a victim-centered approach through situational advocacy consulting and resources.
The need for advocates in ALL spheres where the at-risk, vulnerable, or in danger continues to increase! The principles of advocacy are effective in all situations but are especially helpful amid complex systems like schools, churches, family courts, medical, corporate, etc. Children need advocates! Victims need advocates! The elderly need advocates! They ALL need safe adults to effectively restore their voice and advocate for them inside and outside these broken systems and complex situations.
Advocacy vs Rescue
It is human nature to approach situations of injustice with a desire to “save or rescue”. Victims desire more than to be just rescued, they want their voice restored. For children, we are their voice. For adults, we help to restore their voice that was lost. It is easy to approach these situations with rose-colored glasses, but we must understand that victim care is delicate and must be navigated carefully. We can produce better chances for positive outcomes when we remove emotional hype and guide individuals amid complex situations. Apart from professional and strategic advocacy rarely will positive outcomes be achieved even with good intentions, passion, or awareness.
Advocacy Consulting
Communicating and prioritizing our desires, opinions, and perspectives is human nature. These tendencies are heightened amid complex situations and can quickly derail positive outcomes for children and victims. Professional advocacy helps to minimize these predispositions and produce professional advocacy for others. Through emotional management tools and trauma-informed approaches, we can see victims fought for. It is imperative to have experienced and professional voices giving guidance amid scandals and complex situations. This is why we provide professional advocacy consulting to help aid individuals, leaders, and professionals navigate these realities

Thank You for Giving Kids a Voice!
“As a former victim, I went through a lot. Thank you for what you are doing. Finally, someone is willing to help kids like me who fall through the cracks and don’t get help. You are impacting so many kids’ lives. You are giving kids a voice! Probably more than you will ever know.”
We are a pioneering grassroots organization that empowers citizens to prevent and stop child sex abuse (CSA) and exploitation through education, advocacy, and resources.
A Solution | The power of
In a review of thousands of victim’s gripping stories, a common point emerged: