We empower citizens of all experience levels to learn professional skills to unmask exploitative behavior and create effective safeguards that protect children and adults.
Prevention is the Primary Goal
Prevention is much easier than picking up the shattered pieces of a victim’s life. Perpetrators’ techniques change with time, but their behavior patterns are consistent. The key to safety is recognizing these behavior patterns to reduce risk and improve early intervention.
Safe Adults are the Solution
All it takes is one safe adult to impact a life and become a change agent. In a review of thousands of victims’ gripping stories, more than 90% reported that an engaged caring safe adult would have stepped in to protect them if their adult had been educated on what to do.
Intervention is Victim-Centered
A victim-centered approach prioritizes the victim’s interests and needs above perpetrators, institutions, or processes. We can safeguard victims from shame and children from adult burdens by advocating for their welfare and restoring their voices to be heard.
Through our partnership with the Rising Steps Learning Center, we provide educational resources created with extensive collaboration with field experts, frontline workers, and victims. Also, significant consideration of a learner’s potential trauma history has been considered. As a result, sensitive content is divided and extensive measures were taken to provide pertinent information without unnecessary, graphic, or explicit details. To empower you with educational resources that are practical, applicable, and life-changing. All trainers are required to have LIVED experiences with child exploitation.

Empower Safe Adults to Stop Child Exploitation
Introductory 1-Hour Training
Empower Safe Adults provides citizens with a big-picture look at child exploitation and sex trafficking in America. We give some stats (state & national) and discuss how “We the People” can be part of the solution. Also, this training is designed to bring awareness and give participants a sample of our advanced 4-hour training.

Watchful Eye Safeguarding Children from Sex Abuse & Exploitation
Advanced 4-Hour Training
Watchful Eye provides citizens of all experience levels with an in-depth look at child sex abuse, exploitation, and sex trafficking in America. We teach about the “connections” of child exploitation and actions that we can take to prevent and detect problems early. This training is designed to empower adults in the skills needed to safeguard children and detect perpetrator behavior.

W.A.T.C.H. Child Assessment Tool Training
Advanced 2-Hour Training
W.A.T.C.H. Child Assessment provides citizens and mandated reporters with an in-depth look at the child reporting process in America. We teach about the “results” of making reports and supplemental solutions to protect kids. Also, this training is designed to empower mandated reporters and adults to aid at-risk or endangered children from falling through the gaps of government agencies.

S.T.E.P.S. To Intentional Interactions
Advanced 4-Hour Training
S.T.E.P.S. to Intentional Interactions provides citizens and professionals with social awareness and interpersonal relationship training. We teach the concepts and application of emotional intelligence skills to help achieve workable relationships with people of opposing views, cultures, and beliefs. Also, this training empowers individuals to improve their social competency and communication skills. It is a course we require all of our trainers to take because the skills are fundamentally needed with any form of social interaction.

Empower the Trainer
Advanced 8-Hour Certification Training
Empower the Trainer is a certification training required to become an ETF course facilitator or trainer. So, we teach the concepts and application of instructor-style communication skills, creating a trauma-informed approach, stewardship of survivors’ stories, and how to bring hope to complex and emotional topics. Also, this training empowers those with lived experiences as professionals and survivors to use their experiences to train their community in how to prevent, intervene, and rescue children from all forms of exploitation. However, this course is only available to those who desire to become a certified ETF trainer and includes background screenings, application, and an extensive onboarding process.
Empowering safeguarding skills through evidence-based training.
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Empowering professional-level prevention skills to increase the number of safe adults & communities.