60 million survivors of child sex abuse (CSA) in America

Child Sex Abuse Statistics

America has nearly 60 million survivors of child sexual abuse according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. That’s approximately 20% of our population. This shocking statistic does not include the 2/3rds of victims who never disclose at all. Many experts believe we could have as many as 180 million survivors of child sex abuse, this is more than the number of people who voted in the 2020 presidential election!!!! The problem is huge and this is why prevention is the answer!!!!

Child sex abuse (CSA) statistics, including clergy sex abuse, education sex abuse, trafficking, coach sex abuse, stranger sex abuse, and incest.


Exploitation & Child Sex Abuse Statistics in the United States

Government Programs Can’t Meet the Need

Many Americans falsely perceive that child exploitation in our country is rare. Often based on a surface-level promise that our government agencies will care for them. However, federal reports confirm the experiences of frontline workers; child exploitation is one of the most significant public issues our society faces today. Every report confirms a horrific reality, child exploitation in the United States is so immense that government programs cannot meet the need:


OPEN EYE REPORT: Unmasking Child Exploitation in the United States

Click the button below to request a free digital copy of Empower The Fight’s Open Eye Report, which includes shocking findings from 20 years of cross-sectional confirmation of federal reports, expert analysis, and experiences of frontline workers.

We are a pioneering grassroots organization that empowers citizens to prevent and stop child sex abuse (CSA) and exploitation through education, advocacy, and resources.

A Solution | The power of


In a review of thousands of victim’s gripping stories, a common point emerged:

ONE Caring Adult Was Present in the lives of most victims & would have acted IF they had known how!