Emotional Intelligence training of social competency and relational interactions

This training Empowered Me for Life!

“Wow! I was so shocked! This class taught me life skills both professionally and personally!”

S.T.E.P.S. to Social & Relational Awareness Training was curated to teach applicable emotional intelligence principles that aid social competency. This training empowers individuals to improve their interpersonal and communication skills and achieve workable relationships with people of opposing views, cultures, and beliefs.

Be educated, equipped, and empowered to engage with people of all cultures, beliefs, and opinions! S.T.E.P.S. is a training course curated from hundreds of hours of collaboration from those with frontline lived and professional experiences. To provide you with the most diverse and practical action items to improve self, social, and relational competency.

This training also provides professional teams with the skills to improve engagement and personnel interactions. At the same time, understanding the foundational elements of a trauma-informed, safe-centered approach with de-escalation and self-regulation techniques that aid in relational awareness.

What to Expect:

  • Understanding the differences between cultural & social norms
  • Applicable skills and tools for immediate use
  • Increased confidence to de-escalate and deal with conflict
  • Engaging and interactive relational skills
  • And much more!

Topics Include:

  • Self Competency
  • Self Regulation Tools
  • Establishing Specific Boundaries
  • Social Competency
  • Safe-Centered Approach
  • Effective Communication
  • Empowering Empathy
  • Relational Competency
  • Grief Cycle
  • Creating Trust

The Rotten Tree of Child Exploitation

Child exploitation is a rotten tree growing rotten fruit, producing some of our most debilitating social and human issues. We often address the bad fruit, but the corrupt tree continues growing. We are going after the tree!

  • We have a prevention-focused mission that includes all types of exploitation
  • We are focused on addressing exploitation (tree) rather than specific outcomes (fruit)
  • We teach citizens the Safe Adult Model for practical ways to uproot this rotten tree
social impact and effects of child exploitation and abuse
Empowering safeguarding skills through evidence-based training.

Host a Class in Your Home, Group, or Church

Empowering professional-level prevention skills to increase the number of safe adults & communities.