WATCHFUL EYE Safeguarding Children from Sex Abuse & Exploitation

This training Empowered Me as a Parent!

“I endured horrible abuse from a family friend growing up. I have lived in constant fear that I would be unable to protect my children and miss something. Your Watchful Eye training gave me such a feeling of being empowered to protect my kids and others. There were so many new tips that I learned. I was very nervous that this training would be triggering for me, but your instructor made this hard topic feel very safe. I was shocked! Helping me make more sense of some of my history was also an unexpected bonus! Thank you!!!”

The Watchful Eye Safeguarding Children Training was curated to teach SAFE ADULTS how to prevent and stop child exploitation of all forms. You can be the “watchful eyes” for the children around you! Training is for individuals, groups, churches, and schools of all experience levels.

Be educated, equipped, and empowered to protect the kids in your family and community! Watchful Eye is a training course curated from thousands of hours of collaboration with field experts, frontline professionals, and victims. To provide you with the most diverse and practical action items to safeguard children.

This training also provides professional insight into the behavior patterns of both victims and perpetrators. Methods used to exploit children change rapidly, yet behavior patterns have stood the test of time and are the key to prevention and early intervention.

What to Expect:

  • What child sex abuse & exploitation looks like in America
  • Indicators of child sex trafficking
  • Perpetrator’s behavior patterns
  • Professional trainers with lived experiences
  • No grotesque or overly explicit information

This Course will Empower You With:

  • Actionable guidance
  • Confidence in your ability to discern and protect
  • Fact-based Information not opinions
  • And much more!

Modules Included:

Safe Adult Module

Tree of Exploitation Module

Overview Stats Module

L.O.O.K Sherlock

Listen to Your Gut Module

Observe Quickly Module

Omit Opportunities Module

Keep Watch Module

Child At-Risk Module

Child In-Danger Module

Exploitation Intro Module

Psychological Exploitation Module

Physical Exploitation Module

Sexual Exploitation Module

Beyond Brokenness Module

Face of Trafficking Module

Symbols & Images Module

Clarify Demand Module

Perpetrator Behavior Module

Grooming Module

Manipulation Module

Partial-Truth Module

Action Steps Module

The Rotten Tree of Child Exploitation

Child exploitation is a rotten tree growing rotten fruit, producing some of our most debilitating social and human issues. We often address the bad fruit, but the corrupt tree continues growing. We are going after the tree!

  • We have a prevention-focused mission that includes all types of exploitation
  • We are focused on addressing exploitation (tree) rather than specific outcomes (fruit)
  • We teach citizens the Safe Adult Model for practical ways to uproot this rotten tree
social impact and effects of child exploitation and abuse
Empowering safeguarding skills through evidence-based training.

Host a Class in Your Home, Group, or Church

Empowering professional-level prevention skills to increase the number of safe adults & communities.