We supply print and online resources of the best evidence-based practices provided by national experts for immediate and tangible solutions.

Person Holding Black Smartphone


Downloadable Guides

From our partnership with the Rising Steps Learning Center, we have made available a variety of resource guides to empower you with practical skills to identify perpetrators and exploitation. Including tips for trauma-informed and child development solutions. Feel free to download and save to your devices. Printed versions are available at

Identifying grooming and perpetrator behavior patterns and methods.
GROOMING: Perpetrator Behavior Guide

A simple guide by frontline professionals and experts to empower citizens with tools to detect perpetrator behavior.

Assessing adverse childhood experiences and more
PREVAIL: Assessing Adverse Experiences Guide

A simple guide & assessment tests provide helpful insight to individuals about the severity of their trauma.

Statistics of child abuse, neglect, sex trafficking, foster care and exploitation
OPEN EYE REPORT: Unmasking Child Exploitation

This in-depth report confirms that the epidemic of child exploitation in America is now too big for government solutions.

How to know when to report child abuse
WATCH: Assessment Guide for At-Risk Children

A simple tool created by frontline professionals and experts to guide mandated reporters and citizens about reporting.

Solutions and alternative ideas for safeguarding children from abuse or neglect.
SAFE ADULT: Model for Protecting Kids

A simple guide by frontline professionals and experts to empower citizens with the tools needed to safeguard & protect kids.

Resource kits for child development and child safety


Resource Kits

From our partnership with the Rising Steps Learning Center, we have made available life-changing resource kits to empower you with practical skills to safeguard and care for children.

kit and resources to safeguard and protect children from abuse, exploitation and sex trafficking

Provides safe adults with the skills to discern, detect, & take action to safeguard and protect children from all forms of child exploitation through prevention & early intervention strategies.

Trauma testing and mandated reporter tools


Tests & Tools

From our partnership with the Rising Steps Learning Center, we have made available testing and tools to empower you with practical skills to assess trauma and take action.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Test
EXPANDED ACEs: Adverse Childhood Experiences Test

Experts agree that though the ACEs test of 10 base questions was groundbreaking and insightful, other trauma factors massively impact a child’s development & must also be considered. This expanded ACEs test includes questions for these additional trauma factors.

First Responder trauma
AAEs: Adverse Adulthood Experiences Test

This test was inspired by the nationally recognized ACEs study on the long-term impacts of childhood trauma. The AAE is similarly designed to measure adverse experiences within adulthood and provide a score so that individuals can quantify the trauma they have experienced.

mandated reporters prep tool
REPORTING PREP TOOL: Assessing a Child’s Danger Level

This tool was created in collaboration with frontline professionals & experts to guide mandated reporters and concerned citizens with the information they need to gather before making a report of abuse. This free tool implements the assessment principles from the Watch Assessment Guide.

Prevention and early intervention training for child exploitation, abuse, sex trafficking, and safety.



From our partnership with the Rising Steps Learning Center, we have made available trainings to empower you with practical skills to identify perpetrators and exploitation.

Empowering safeguarding skills through evidence-based training.

Host a Class in Your Home, Group, or Church

Empowering professional-level prevention skills to increase the number of safe adults & communities.