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Christ-Centered Justice: A Response to Evil

The primary role of any individual seeking justice in a child’s life, especially within unjust systems and circumstances, is to view Jesus as the source of authentic justice!! When we are child-centered in our approach and armed with Christ-centered justice in our hearts, we see the Lord fight for children in incredible ways!

Our timidity and fear get drowned out by listening to His voice amid the noise of opinion. When we partner with a Just God, we can be a voice that speaks with boldness, clarity, and authority to see positive outcomes and transform the trajectory of a child’s life forever! Psalms 31:8

The emptiness of justice from governments, courts, or people will never satisfy! Because we’re made for Christ-Centered Justice!

We must never forget that Jesus saw and heard what no one else did and that He will avenge the wrong. It is easy to become bitter and angry as you face the injustices you, others, and victimized children have experienced. These emotions can become significantly heightened when circumstances touch on our pain points and injustices. Knowing how to navigate, process, and dialogue with the Lord through these emotions is central to being a peace-driven advocate. ​We must never forget that true justice cannot be obtained on the earth.

Why the Message of God’s Justice is Important to Victims?

A child should never ask the sobering question, who will fight for me? When a child or victim believes there is no Justice and no one will take an account for what happened to them, they feel an inherent sense of worthlessness. Thinking that they must not be worth much if no one cares about what happened to them. This is why ignored child exploitation is so incredibly damaging. These feelings of worthlessness can affect even those who haven’t experienced the trauma of abuse or other physical pain. Worthlessness is the root source of many mental health and depression issues. The Bible says feelings of worthlessness come when people are not taught that God takes an account for wrongs. Jeremiah 23. 

Jesus will bring Justice, because it is something He must do. When people are harmed and when children are exploited, Jesus takes it personally. He holds deeply the injustice people suffer, especially the little ones. Matthew 18:6

How the Hope of God’s Justice Brings Comfort

Our cry for justice can sometimes be suppressed in our human attempt to be strong. We seek people, institutions, or governments to solve our pain. They never will. These institutions and people cannot bring the authentic justice our hearts so desperately seek. No matter how hard we try, we will never be satisfied until we see Him avenge our wrong.

How do We Handle the Knowledge of Evil Things?

We were made for love! We were not made to process the horrors that hell has invented. We challenge those who engage in broken and unjust places to restrain themselves from asking the question WHY? When we try to comprehend evil and why it occurred, we can quickly find ourselves sliding down the rabbit hole of despair and hopelessness because we were not made to understand it. Instead, we must focus on Christ-centered justice and that He will give beauty to ashes.

Our human hearts were not made to comprehend the horrors that hell has invented.

What about Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is about turning over the injustice (the case) to Him as the ultimate satisfaction for justice. Forgiveness is not about Jesus looking the other way but about us trusting our case to Him. By forgiving what seems impossible to release, we can make the mercy of Jesus famous and see His perfect justice brought forth. Forgiveness is trusting Him to avenge the wrong. That doesn’t mean we still don’t long for it to be made right. Until we see perfect justice, our hearts will always continue to cry out for those unjust things to be avenged. When we understand that Jesus is just and that He will avenge the wrong, we realize an equally important truth… we are not!

How to Prevent Exploitation and Sex Abuse

Through our interactive training, Watchful Eye, we simplify how to prevent and identify child exploitation. No matter your skill level, you can learn to recognize behavior patterns and subtle indicators through this life-saving training.

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