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Foster Care is a Tool, Not a Solution.

Federal reports confirm that the epidemic of child exploitation in the United States is now too big for government models to solve. Programs like foster care are in constant crisis to meet the demand, yet they only provide protective care to 3% of the 8 million reported victims. As reports have continued to climb by more than 50%, the need only continues to grow.

97% of America’s VERIFIED VICTIMIZED CHILDREN will NOT receive any form of protective services.

As advocates working on the frontlines for years, we have helped rescue children from horrific situations. Yes, without a doubt children need rescue. There will always be some children who have no caring adult in their lives to protect them. This is why we have a firm stance that even amid the brokenness of the foster care system, a system of rescue must exist! 

Innovative and solutions-based services in addition to the foster care system, like Empower The Fight, are now urgently needed!!! We have already been meeting this need through advocacy coaching. To properly respond to this growing crisis, we are expanding child advocacy programs and assessing the most effective forms of prevention.

It is no longer a matter of IF you will encounter an endangered child, it is a matter of WHEN!

At Empower The Fight, we are preparing to equip caring adults within the United States to be ready to prevent and respond to signs of child abuse, neglect, and exploitation! Parents, grandparents, relatives, caregivers, educators, and members of the community can protect the children within their sphere of influence. We will do this by executing our mission in three distinct ways:

  1. Educate the public to increase child exploitation awareness
  2. Train individuals to empower child-centered advocacy
  3. Aid families to mobilize community action

The story of Nehemiah has many profound nuggets of wisdom, but we are going to focus on just one today. Amid the ruins of destruction, an impossible situation, the strategy of the Lord was for the laborers to “build what was in front of them”. What could not be accomplished in 20 years was done in a staggering 52 days by following this strategy. Amid this situation…

we see an OPPORTUNITY for the Body of Christ to rise with boldness, by doing what is in front of them!

How to Prevent Exploitation and Sex Abuse

Through our interactive training, Watchful Eye, we simplify how to prevent and identify child exploitation. No matter your skill level, you can learn to recognize behavior patterns and subtle indicators through this life-saving training.

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