America’s Children Need Safety & Action
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America’s Children Need Safety & Action

Child exploitation’s connections to our most significant social issues are shocking. As a result, the root cause are found in decades of ignored child exploitation. It’s mind-blowing! Victimized Children Need Safety. One of the most significant mission fields in crisis is in our backyards. If in doubt, look no further than your community. Wherever you find substance…

Foster Care is a Tool, Not a Solution.
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Foster Care is a Tool, Not a Solution.

Federal reports confirm that the epidemic of child exploitation in the United States is now too big for government models to solve. Programs like foster care are in constant crisis to meet the demand, yet they only provide protective care to 3% of the 8 million reported victims. As reports have continued to climb by…

What is Child Sex Trafficking?
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What is Child Sex Trafficking?

Child sex trafficking is human trafficking of a child for sexual exploitation. Trafficking can look many different ways. The common misconception is that trafficking is the shackling and caging of older teen girls and women forced through slavery. Slavery can be a form of trafficking; historically, it was the primary way it occurred. However, it…

Economical Impact of Child Exploitation

Economical Impact of Child Exploitation

The familial cycles of child exploitation and its economic impact are undeniable. We must look at the scope of the child exploitation statistics and the human and social impacts to fully understand the long-term implications. When we ignore our most vulnerable children, we enable the reactive destruction of our communities. ​ $210,012 per Victim The…